We gather at the Witches Confluence to cast spells for collective liberation! Engage with your spiritual path in ways that are creative, curious, and community driven. Cultivate kinship with a network of magically engaged folks and foster nextworks of care and connection. Leave empowered and fortified for the next stage of your personal evolution and our collective transformation.

Looking for our Online Confluence? Visit HERE.


Click "Attend this Session" to help us gauge interest in workshops! This will support the team to assign workshops to spaces that can accomodate everyone's preferences. This RSVP does not secure your space or impact your ticket purchase. First come, first serve seating as always day of event. 

  • Keynote: Energetic Boundaries in Times of Chaos with Jessica Lanyadoo

    Keynote: Energetic Boundaries in Times of Chaos with Jessica Lanyadoo

    Join renowned psychic medium and astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo for an insightful keynote talk, Energetic Boundaries in Time of Chaos. Over the course of one hour, we will explore how to create healthy energy boundaries in such unstable times. Learn from her expertise on how to engage with the world energetically without merging with it and losing your own energy. Jessica will host a 30-minute Q&A session, offering you the chance to ask questions and receive personalized insights into maintaining your energetic health.

  • A QUEER LIGHT: The Art of Alchemy with Eliza Swann

    A QUEER LIGHT: The Art of Alchemy with Eliza Swann

    Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime.

  • Cosmic Plant Power with Star Felíz

    Cosmic Plant Power with Star Felíz

    Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.

  • Multi-dimensional Protection Magic for Witches + Activists with Kiki Robinson

    Multi-dimensional Protection Magic for Witches + Activists with Kiki Robinson

    In this workshop, we will focus on protection magic in the spiritual, digital, and physical realms when engaged with magical activism. This workshop will be part lecture, part experiential.



    hen DEATH shows up, she’ll speak to us about LIFE… Having a relationship with those who came before, honoring and acknowledging our own lineages and ancestry allows us to show up with deeper presence, heart and courage to the human experience.
    In this class you will learn ways to contact and connect with your ancestors, how to create a spiritual connection with the other side, how to create sacred space to honor your ancestors and make offerings for the purpose of healing, guidance and empowerment in your current life.

  • Healing Unconscious Bias with the Tarot with Maria Minnis

    Healing Unconscious Bias with the Tarot with Maria Minnis

    Tarot can change our lives, but what if it could change the world? Join Maria Minnis, author of Tarot for the Hard Work, for the Healing Unconscious Bias with Tarot workshop, where participants will join in vulnerable, honest, and brave community to explore how tarot archetypes can help them address and heal the impact of bias within themselves, their relationships, and their communities. Participants will be encouraged to forgive themselves for being human, admit their flaws and judgments in a brave space, and begin to take small, everyday actions toward a more equitable world.

  • Raising Power: Techniques of Transformation with Amanda Yates Garcia

    Raising Power: Techniques of Transformation with Amanda Yates Garcia

    Understanding power: how it works, what it means, and how to call it in, is foundational to the practice of witchcraft. However, many of us only have a vague understanding of what we mean when we use the word. Physicists say power is the amount of energy available to do work, while Ojibwa elders say power lives in the strength and breadth of our relationships. Power comes in many forms: personal, political, collective, ecological, ideological, magical. In this workshop, participants will: develop a definition of power that works for them; get a somatic sense of how power feels as it runs through their bodies; learn techniques for raising power collectively; and gain practical, applicable tools for raising power in their own rituals.

  • Tactical and Spontaneous Divination Practices with Edgar Fabián Fría

    Tactical and Spontaneous Divination Practices with Edgar Fabián Fría

    Divination is a diverse and widely practiced tradition across the world. People use it for various purposes, including personal, communal, political, strategic, creative, and collaborative reasons. This hands-on workshop will explore the ancient art of divination in a modern context. My goal is to equip you with the skills and knowledge to develop your own divination practice, tailored to your unique needs and environment. Please bring a notepad, a pen, and any divination tools you find helpful (such as crystals, flower essences, or amulets).

  • Awakening the Ancestral Spirit with Aja Daashuur

    Awakening the Ancestral Spirit with Aja Daashuur

    Join renowned psychic and medium Aja for an extraordinary experience designed to guide you on a profound ancestral journey. This immersive experience offers a sacred space to give thanks to your ancestors, inviting their guidance, medicine and protection into your life as we navigate a world filled with uncertainty.

    By honoring our ancestors, we invite their protective energies to support us in times of need. This relationship with our ancestral guardians is not only protective but also nurturing, providing a sense of belonging and continuity. The rituals and practices you will learn in this workshop create a sacred space for ancestral communication, allowing you to build a lasting and meaningful relationship with your lineage.

    Aja will lead you through powerful rituals and meditative practices to connect with your ancestral lineage. You will have the opportunity to honor those who have come before you, acknowledging the wisdom and strength they offer. This connection facilitates deep healing on both sides of the veil, creating a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.

  • COLLECTIVE CONJURING: sharing spells for liberation with Dori Midnight

    COLLECTIVE CONJURING: sharing spells for liberation with Dori Midnight

    Chanting, enchanting, re-enchanting! Awakening, summoning, conspiring, making, breaking! Speaking, breathing, humming, screaming, moaning, singing!
    In this workshop we will read and explore existing spells, incantations, poems, and prayers, invoke and share our longings for liberation and justice, and weave a collective spell-poem for protection, inspiration, and resistance. We will ground our intentions in/into our bodies with the prayer to become living spells (knowing that spellwork and prayer is not enough) as we cast ourselves like seeds towards a liberated, thriving world of which we dream of and work for. Participants will be invited to cast our collective spell the closing ceremony.


Jessica Lanyadoo Keynote

With 30 years of experience as a consulting Astrologer & psychic medium, Jessica Lanyadoo believes no topic is off limits or unworthy of kindness. Lanyadoo has lectured extensively, is the host of the popular twice weekly Astrology + Advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, and the author of Astrology For Real Relationships. and the creator of the astrology pro-tool, Astrology for Days. Join Jessica at She can also be found all over the internet and at

Aja Daashuur The Spirit Guide Coach

AJA Daashuur is a revered trance medium and wellness leader, certified life coach, past life regression integrator, and the visionary founder of Spirit House Collective; a healing space in Los Angeles dedicated to offering healing and spiritual modalities.

From a young age, AJA was attuned to the whispers of the beyond, which led her to live in

devotion to her spiritual practice. Her journey has been enriched by the teachings of many renowned figures including Dr. Brian Weiss, master of past life regression, and Helen Vonderheide, community educator and teacher of the Akashic Records. Further honing her mediumship, AJA attended the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in London, where she specialized in trance medium instruction.

Amanda Yates Garcia Oracle of LA

Amanda Yates Garcia is a writer, witch, the Oracle of Los Angeles. Currently PhD student in Culture and Performance at UCLA where she's researching ritual, decoloniality, and ecology, Amanda's work has been featured in The New York Times, The LA Times, The SF Chronicle, The London Times, CNN, BRAVO, as well as a viral appearance on FOX. Amanda hosts monthly moon rituals online via their Mystery Cult on Substack, and the popular Between the Worlds podcast, which looks at the Western Mystery traditions through a mythopoetic lens. Her book, Initiated: Memoir of a Witch, received starred reviews from Kirkus and Publisher's Weekly and has been translated into six languages.

Dori Midnight

Dori Midnight is a community care worker, ritual artist, theologian, writer, and deep listener oriented towards collective healing and liberation. For over two decades, Dori has woven rituals and practiced intuitive, community based healing in one-on-one sessions and in radical movement spaces, in collaboration with the seen and unseen. Dori offers workshops on rituals and remedies for unraveling times, re-enchanting Jewish ancestral wisdoms as a liberatory practice, and queer magic and healing. Supported and inspired by a wide web of dreamers, witches, artists, and web workers, Dori’s work is also rooted in feminist, decolonial and abolitionist scholarship, queer liberation, and disability and healing justice work. Dori has been in deep cahoots with movement work for Palestinian liberation, prison abolition, and queer and trans liberation based in racial and economic justice. Dori lives on the unceded lands of the Pocumtuc and Nipmuc, by the Quinnehtukqut River, also known as Northampton, Massachusetts.

Edgar Fabian Frias

Edgar Fabián Frías is a boundary-breaking multidisciplinary artist based in Los Angeles with degrees in Psychology, Studio Art, and an MFA in Art Practice from UC Berkeley. Their immersive works blend diverse artistic disciplines, challenging conventional categories. Frías explores resiliency and radical imagination through Indigenous Futurism, spirituality, and queer aesthetics.

Eliza Swann

Eliza Swann aka Emerald is an interdisciplinary artist, intuitive, writer, and educator based in New York City. Eliza received a BA in Painting from the San Francisco Art Institute and an MFA from Central St. Martins in London.They are the author of The Anatomy of the Aura (St. Martin’s, 2020), and their writing has appeared in BOMB, Arthur, Contemporary Art Review LA, Momus, and Perfect Wave and they contributed writing to Witchcraft (Taschen) and Modern Witches (Weiser). Their work has been supported by PEN America, Foundation for Contemporary Art, Author’s League Fund, Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, Pratt Faculty Development Fund, The Feminist Center for Creative Work, and Wassaic Project. Eliza is currently faculty at Pratt Institute, where they teach alchemy across many artistic disciplines. Eliza is also founder of the Golden Dome School, an alternative mystery school that explores the mystical dimensions of art.

Kiki Robinson aka Opulent Witch

I am a tarot reader, multi-media artist, dancer, healing arts practitioner, and co-creator of The Living Altar along with Ylva Mara Radziszewski. I am a queer and non-binary practicing witch of traditional magic, my altar is centered in sovereignty, justice, and compassion. My first love of magic came through art of many mediums including printmaking, dance and performance art. My commitment to the world involves assisting in healing and liberation within collective, community magic, and bringing forth transformation through creative modalities.

Madré Jaguar

Madre Jaguar has always walked between the worlds. Ever since they can remember, Madre Jaguar has experienced visions, prophetic dreams, visitations and a strong clear connection to their Spirit team. They are the child of Salvadoran immigrants; of Nahual, Mayan, Pipil, and Garifuna descent, born in Los Angeles, California and raised in Mexico.

A passion for helping others and a strong desire to propel positive change in the world, led Madre Jaguar on a path of self-discovery, reclaiming of ancestral practices and the exploration of different healing modalities including Curanderismo, Reiki and Energy Healing, Shamanic Practices, Folk Magic, Herbalism and Tarot. They have studied with indigenous healers and teachers in Mexico, Central and South America.

Maria Minnis

Maria Minnis is an unapologetically Black, Jewish, and queer tarot reader of 20+ years who teaches people about blending their spirituality with magic, liberation work, and eroticism in their everyday lives. She believes that the end result of all magic should be to cultivate a more equitable and empathetic planet. Her highly acclaimed antiracism tarot workbook Tarot for the Hard Work is available online and in stores. Follow her work on Instagram @feminnis and at

Star Feliz

Star Feliz is not just a spiritual guide; they are a transformational portal between humanity and the Earth, channeling the spirit of plants to bring about profound healing. Descended from the Afro-Taino cimarrónes of the Bahoruco Mountains in the Dominican Republic, Star carries the wisdom of generations, inherited from stories passed down by their mother and grandmother. With over a decade of expertise in herbal practices, queer birthwork, and movements for radical liberation, Star has empowered countless individuals to reconnect with their ancestral roots and discover their personal power. In 2020, Star launched Botánica Cimarrón, a treasure trove of handcrafted, organic plant medicines and unique ritual tools, created on the ancestral lands of the Tongva and Gabrielino peoples in Los Angeles.


  • Purchase 1 ticket for yourself, and use your power to honor and protect our community by providing a low-cost ticket for a BIPOC community member. Admission includes a VIP gift bag, including a copy of "A Confluence of Witches" !

  • Our early bird ticketing price! Very limited quantity.
    Act quick, witches!

  • General Admission to the Witches Confluence.
    Join us in celebrating your magic through understanding the full spectrum of yourself, in community Includes digital access.

  • These accessibility tickets are reserved for members of our community that have been affected by systemic oppression, namely, those who are BIPOC, trans, non-binary, two-spirit, queer, or disabled.
    Accessibility tickets aim to support community members financially, as we believe all people should have access to the educational opportunities offered through the Modern Witches Confluence.

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