...is an interactive workshop that supports exploring the environments of your dreaming worlds. When we tell a dream in the present tence it stays alive note only in our minds, but in the mystery of where we "really are." This workshop will offer dialogue around the different types of dreaming we find ourselves in, how to work with dream recall, our original Dreamscapes Academy pedagogy as well as offers tools to dream in community in addition to just having an individual practice. 




Tara is a biracial non-binary Japanese Mystic who leans deeply into the wisdom of the elemental magick and metaphor to connect. Tara is claircognizant, clairsentient, and clairaudient. They have in relationship to these gifts a lens of neuro-divergence and recognizing so much of the way they live their life is through a lens across timelines. 

They root their personal folklore and mythological senses through seasonal folklore rooting in both Gaelic and Shinto based cosmologies where they track ancestral veneration, lineage tracking, and understanding the complexity, nuance and particularities with being mixed race of Irish, Slovak and Japanese descent. 


Sanyu Estelle is a Claircognizant ("clear knowing") Soothsayer ("truth teller"( that is also known as "The Word Witch" because of her deep love for word origins (etymology) and word culture (philology).

These natural inclinations are bolstered by an 11+ year practice of Taoism that began with three years of training in Qi Gong and Tai Chi with Master Zi of Dharma Health Institute; as well as a 10+ year relationship with Ifa, the indigenous tradition of the Yoruba people of now-Nigeria, culminating in membership at the Ile Orunmila Afedefeyo in Los Angeles by Baba Fesegun and his daughter Iya Fayomi. 


COVEN ACCESS: If you subscribed to our WINTER QUARTER COVEN membership you have unlocked access to this workshop offering. You will not need to purchase a ticket.

We acknowledge that inequitable distribution of economic resources is an intentional element of systemic oppression, and it would not be fair for all attendees to be required to pay the same price. Our reparative pricing model offers the opportunity for individual Community members to leverage their privilege and create opportunities for marginalized witches to attend our gathering. Please consider the healing that is available to you on a personal, lineage, and community level when purchasing a ticket for another witch. When we shift the most marginalized witches of our community to the center, then we all get to experience the healing of liberation. 

Please email [email protected] with any questions.

  • General Admission

    Join us in celebrating your magic through understanding the full spectrum of yourself, in community.

  • These half-priced accessibility tickets are reserved for members of our community that have been affected by systemic oppression, namely, those who are BIPOC, trans, non-binary, two-spirit, queer, or disabled. Accessibility tickets aim to support community members financially, as we believe all people should have access to the educational opportunities offered through the Modern Witches Organization.

    Modern Witches Organization commits to offering 30 low-cost Rue Tickets.



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