Chiron: The Wounded Healer Workshop
with @astrosipsa
Sunday, August 23rd 11am - 1pm PST
The Journey of the Hero begins with the Healing of the Hero. Understanding deep humanity and wisdom of Chiron, through understanding its placement in our Natal Chart.
To heal ourselves, to heal the collective we first need to identify the wounding, the cause. And for that we look to Chiron. Commonly known as the Wounded Healer, Chiron placement in our chart can really guide us towards understanding of that wounding. Being positioned in the Sky between Saturn and Uranus, he is a connector between the past and the future, the material and spiritual, our ancestors and the evolutionary leap we are making. The mythology of Chiron is as complex and heartbreaking as the development of personal ego vs ancestral trauma in all of our lives. Chiron is an epitome of resilience and courage, rising above our conditioning, above loneliness and even our destiny is through the profound connection to our purpose.
This is such a beautiful topic to explore, and we want to invite you all to join us for this healing exploration of Chiron. Class will include discussion of the mythology, astrological importance and sign by sign discussion of Chiron in the birth chart. Looking forward to seeing you all there!